Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy Anniversary to me, 5 years since the diagnosis that changed my life

June 4, 2013
Five years ago on this date I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It was grade 3 and at that time I was given a 50/50 chance on it returning after treatment. Did I ever expect to make it this far. NO. I had one treatment that nearly killed me and had me clinging for months for an end. It took me 12 months to return to work and recover from it, and even then it was only 3 days a week. I tried so hard to return to what I thought was normal, only to realize that I would never return to that imagination of what was normal before this date. I tried working for 7 months and in the end the Dr made me go back on sick leave the side effects from the chemo and tamoxifen were still taking their tole on my body. I still find it hard to not get up and go to a job everyday, it was what I knew for 31 years. I do volunteer these days for a Retirement home in Ottawa, I have always had a special soft spot for seniors, it at least gives me purpose in life.
So to be able to finally get up each day and have the energy to exercise each day is a milestone for me.
I am so THANKFUL to be able to make some changes in my life for a healthier me. It's been a long time coming.When I finished treatment my chances of return were 25% reduced mainly because of that one treatment. Only a few people know how bad that time was for me, I still shed a tear just thinking of it. Today I am thankful for the wonderful Dr's I had in Australia and for the medicines and treatments that have changed over the years to give us all an extension to our lives that we wouldn't have had 20 years ago and for the support group of friends and family that got me through, if you are reading this you know who you are. A special thank you to my husband Charles, he had to witness this twice as his mother passed away in 1981 from the same terrible disease, I hated to see the grief in his eyes as I struggled after each treatment. I am sure that returning to live in Canada and be around family has helped, my goal was to spend some quality time with my lovely Granddaughter's, I have done this each summer since I came back and any school holidays we could get. This year will be a bit different as the kids are getting older and more involved in sports so that cuts down on grandma camp. I think our time is coming to return to Australia and spend some time with our Grandchildren there.
Tomorrow is a new day and another milestone. 
I went to the gym today and did my usual hour. Ialso weighed in and had lost another pound, yipeee.
Do you have any special anniversaries?
Are you thankful for having one more day to make a difference, no matter how big or small it may be?
Today's Quote:

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