Thursday, October 1, 2015

Where has the summer gone

October 1, 2015
It's hard to believe that the summer has come to an end, we have had a warmer than normal September.
The leaves are starting to turn and there is a chill in the air. It was down to 4c last night.
We have enjoyed our time at the lake this year, some of us to much.
Hubby felt that after 13 years of not smoking it was ok to smoke cigars daily and even some cigarettes, what was he thinking, he has beaten cancer and that hasn't been a wake up call to live a better life. I finally confronted him as summer drew to an end, I guess he thought I didn't know, but unfortunately he wreaked every time he came back from fishing, and while he ran to the bathroom to wash it off his hands and brush his teeth, he still breathed like an old ash tray, it was disgusting.  And beside so many people told me what he was doing, yes its not my issue, but it does affect me.
It was time for a conversation, I reminded him that he had just cheated death, not once but 3 times in March, I asked him if he felt he needed help to stop smoking, he said no, its ok, I don't need to see anyone, I've got it under control.
A week later he came down with a bad case of shingles, another sign that his body has been under some stress since he was sick.
I hope this is his final wake up call, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, but some times people need a scare to bring them back to reality.
I myself have continued to walk this summer when it wasn't to warm, I haven't had the time to paint this summer like I have wanted to, hopefully I will get more time when we get back to Australia.
I have discovered bread making, I am loving my 4 dollar bread machine, yesterday I made 2 loaves  of gluten free buck wheat bread and froze them so that I can have some bread when we move out of here, we will have 3 weeks floating around until we fly out. My weight has remained down and my goal is to lose some more once we get back to Australia, I have missed walking on the beach.
Looking forward to our next journey.
Today's Quote: