Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Feeling Emotional

March 25, 2015
Well when I last wrote I had re admitted my husband to hospital with an Ileus, he was there for another 6 days, poor man was vomiting up fecal matter for about 60 hours, his bowel had kinked and decided not to work. He was sent home on the 11th of March and went to the Dr on the 12 for his biopsy report, which came back with good news, he didn't have to have treatment and there was only a 3% chance it could come back. Wonderful news. We were both so happy we cried, but the next 2 weeks would try our patients.
Charlie did not feel well as soon as he was released and I even mentioned to the Dr that his stomach was still very distended, he didn't bother to check him.
At 11 pm on the 13 of March he began complaining about severe pain in his abdomen, I thought maybe it was gas, so I gave him a tums, the pain continued to get worse through out the night. His daughter was coming in the morning and he didn't want to miss the visit with his grandson, so we waited till they left, at 3 pm I took him back to the hospital and needed help just to get him out of the car and into a wheel chair, after many tests and scans, he was rushed into surgery at midnight for perotinitus of the abdomen, his seam in the bowel had leaked into his abdomen and when they got in there they found that the small intestine had adhered to the new seem in the bowel, so a 1 hour surgery turned into 4, he was left int-abated for a few hours after and given loads of morphine and industrial strength antibiotics to fight the infections raging in his body, he was in ICU for 4 days and still remains in hospital, his stomach and bowel started to work again on the 20th of March, but in the mean time they started him on TPN  ( or she is getting all of his or her nutrition – total nutrition – intravenously or through an IV.) to feed is body but not his stomach. They have removed all tubes from his nose, side, catheter, and feeding tube and just left in the central line in case they need it again, the plan is to possibly come home on Friday this week. This has been a very frustrating and emotional time, we have had so much support from family and friends, can't wait to get back home.
We'll see.
Today's Quote:

Friday, March 6, 2015

Back in the Doctor's Hands

March 7, 2015

Well I brought hubby home from hospital on Thursday March 5th, he seemed pretty good, tired, he seemed to sleep allot that afternoon, he ate a normal dinner. I took him for a walk as he seemed to have allot of acid reflux happening. He went to bed at 10 and began vomiting at 12:30 and continued until 5 am. I made the decision to take him back to hospital once he had woke again, which was around 8.
They have re admitted Charlie till Monday,they feel his bowels have just realized they have had a shock and stopped working, also they found a kink or two in it, that's why he was throwing up brown bile all night, and fevering off and on, so its back on IV fluids today and clear tomorrow and see how Sunday goes. I'll keep you posted, they are keeping him drugged up and relaxed in hopes it rights itself.
I'll call the hospital soon and see how his night went.
Today's Quote:

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Coming Home

March 5, 2015

Well we are hoping that today my Hubby can come home from hospital, he had solid food yesterday and his bowels seem to be working, it will take time for him to heal, probably a few months, we still have the wait for the biopsy report to come back. Possibly it will be there today.
He has heard allot of information about Alkalizing the body and is keen to try this out, since he has been told that he has a very inflamed bowel, I think it is best that he get started as soon as possible, so I have printed him some information on it, the big thing for him is going to be giving up beef, pork and lamb, I feel it is best to start while he hasn't been having any on that for the last week or so.
We will see, this is his wake up call and he needs to choose what path he takes from here.
I have been at the hospital every hour that I am allowed, I am feeling tired as I haven't had the greatest of sleep for a while now, hoping that improves by the weekend.
It has been wonderful to read him all the emails from Canada, from friends and family, he was driven to tears when the Grand daughters called him and spoke, so wonderful that they wanted to do that, it really lifted his spirits. Family support is a big help in the way you re-cooperate even if it is 10,000 miles away. My Mom even knit him a blanket and mailed it over for him to have while he is getting better.
Hope for some more answers today.
Today's Quote: