Monday, September 30, 2013


September 30, 2013
Well Friday was so busy I didn't get a chance to blog, so for that I apologize. I had to pack for a weekend at a friends cottage, the weather there was beautiful, I can't remember a fall so warm in years.
I also had an appointment with a massage therapist to see if he could do a lymphatic drainage for me. Oh what a relief it is, it took 1.5 hours but I have to say this guy knows what he is doing. I had worn my compression top ( )
it helped a great deal but the therapist did wonders, he thinks it could be caused from doing the weights at the gym, its a shock for my system, so its about trying to retrain the lymph-nodes to not go into protection mode while I retrain my muscles. I am going to try to look into getting a short sleeve shirt that will help me to meet my needs.  I will keep you informed of what I find. 
I did go to the gym on Friday and did an hour on the elliptical machine and today I did the same.
Today's Quote:

Thursday, September 26, 2013

All swollen up

September 26, 2013
The Glebe was still on lock down so I took a lady for a walk and we did some window shopping, she was so happy to get out in the sunshine. I now have an extra lady that I do knitting with, she is recuperating from being in hospital, so she should feel better and more able to knit in a few weeks.
I noticed yesterday that it felt like I had a rock under my arm, grrr lymphedema, I haven't had this in a long time. So I had to dig through my drawers and find my compression shirt. I put it on and wore it all night, my arm swells very little, its more under my arm around to my back. Its a little better today.  I wore it to the gym and everyone thought I was very colorful. I explained why. I didn't do any cardio today, I was struggling to breathe, I must have gotten some corn starch some where. So I did my weights routine today and walked home as my car is in the garage.

About Lymphedema
Lymphedema is the swelling that occurs when lymph fluid builds up in the soft tissues of the limbs. It is caused by a problem in the movement of waste products (lymph) away from a limb (arm or leg). Lymphedema usually occurs in parts of the body where larger numbers of lymph nodes have been removed, such as the armpit (axilla), groin or pelvic area.

The lymph nodes work like small filters in the body. They filter and clean body fluids, abnormal cells and cells that cause infections. This cleaned lymph is then returned to the bloodstream.

Lymphedema occurs in about 20% of people who have had lymph nodes removed.
Any blockage or interruption to the lymph system can cause lymphedema. For example, when:
  • lymph nodes have been removed during surgery (lymph node dissection)
    • can occur right after surgery, months or even years later
  • radiation therapy to lymph node areas causes scarring, blockage or slowing of the lymph flow
    • may develop during a course of radiation therapy or several weeks after
    • having surgery and radiation therapy can increase the risk for developing lymphedema even more
  • chemotherapy temporarily overloads the lymph system
  • cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, causing a blockage
  • an infection or inflammation develops in a limb, causing more damage to the lymph vessels
Lymphedema may occur in the trunk or limb area of the body that has been treated for cancer. It can alter the size, shape and function of an affected limb and cause:
  • swelling in the limb (arm or leg)
  • feeling of fullness, puffiness, or heaviness in the limb
  • aching in the limb
  • skin to feel tight
  • decreased flexibility or movement in the limb
  • clothing or jewellery to feel too tight

Lymphedema can be temporary or permanent. Many people with cancer find it is a long-term problem.
Report the first signs of swelling to the doctor. The doctor may make a referral to a physiotherapist. The doctor or physiotherapist will:
  • ask about medical, surgical and physical activity history and when the swelling started
  • check to see if there are other reasons for the swelling, such as an infection, blood clot or new cancer
  • measure the distance around (circumference) the limbs at a number of places
    • a difference of 2 cm (0.8 inches) or a significant change in limb volume may require treatment
    • assess the type of swelling and classify it as mild, moderate or severe
  • check for tightness and feeling of heaviness in the limbs
  • check the range of motion and strength of the limb
After lymph nodes have been removed or damaged, it is harder for the body to fight infection, especially in the affected limb. Protect the limb from injuries, such as cuts, scratches, bruises or burns that may cause infection, by doing the following:
  • Wear sunscreen to avoid sunburns, especially to the affected limbs.
  • Wear loose-fitting jewellery and clothing on the affected limb.
  • Keep hands, feet and cuticles soft by regularly applying moisturizing lotion or cream. Avoid pulling or tearing cuticles.
  • Keep the skin clean. Test bath water temperatures with the unaffected limb. The affected one may not detect temperatures as well.
  • Treat cuts or burns on the limb quickly. Clean the area, cover it with an antibacterial (antibiotic) cream or ointment (such as polysporin or bacitracin), apply a clean bandage and change it as often as necessary to avoid infection.
  • Check for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling and increased warmth (cellulitis). Report these to the doctor so that an infection can be treated promptly.
  • Use an electric razor to shave in affected areas because of possible numbness from surgery.
  • Wear protective clothing or use insect repellents to prevent insect bites. These could become a source of infection.
  • Avoid using ice packs or heating pads on the affected limb.
  • Use saunas, steam baths and hot tubs with care. Heat can make lymphedema worse by increasing the work of the lymph system.
  • If possible, avoid having needle sticks of any type in the affected limb. This includes having a blood sample taken, an intravenous, an injection (such a flu shot or other vaccination) and acupuncture on the affected limb or in affected areas. Needle sticks and injections can increase the risk of infection.
  • If possible, avoid having blood pressure measured on the affected arm. If lymph nodes were removed from under both arms, then alternate the arms used when having blood pressure measurements done. Blood pressure cuffs put pressure on the small lymph vessels.
  • If diagnosed with lymphedema, it may be suggested that a compression garment be worn when travelling by air. There is no benefit to doing this if there isn't any swelling.
  • Exercise increases muscle tone and may help stimulate lymph drainage. Exercises include most activities of daily living and aerobic exercises, such as swimming, biking, and walking. Check with a healthcare professional regarding vigorous, repetitive activities. Repetitive exercise against resistance may make lymphedema worse. Wearing a compression garment during exercise may be recommended.
  • Maintain an ideal body weight. Being overweight is a risk factor for developing lymphedema and can make it harder to control. Restricting the use of salt (sodium) in the diet or using fluid pills (diuretics) is not usually effective. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day may improve lymph flow.
  • Preventing lymphedema in the upper limbs.
    • Do not use a shoulder strap over the affected arm when carrying a purse or briefcase.
    • Wear a loose-fitting watch and clothing on the affected limb.
    • When manicuring the fingernails, gently push the cuticles back instead of cutting them.
    • Wear protective gloves when gardening, doing housework or cooking.
    • Use a thimble when sewing.
    • Avoid pet scratches.
  • Preventing lymphedma in the lower limbs.
    • Wear socks to keep feet warm, but avoid socks, stockings or underclothes with tight elastic bands on affected lower limbs.
    • Avoid walking barefoot.
    • Cut toenails straight across.
    • Dry feet well, especially between toes to prevent infection.
    • Avoid crossing the legs while sitting and don't sit longer than 30 minutes without changing position.
It is important to manage lymphedema properly to prevent changes that may become hard to reverse. The goal of treatment is to prevent further fluid build-up and reduce swelling as much as possible. Managing lymphedema may include a combination of:
Raise (elevate) the affected limb above the level of the heart, so that gravity will move the fluid from the limb to the body. Make sure the legs are above the hips when elevating legs during sitting. Raise the foot of the bed about 2.5 to 5 cm (about 1 to 2 inches).
Exercise can be done in moderation and is helpful in maintaining muscle tone. Good muscle tone helps improve lymph flow. Be sure to:
  • use the affected limb as normally as possible
  • balance rest periods with exercise
  • avoid repetitive exercise against resistance
  • stop before overtiring the limb
Seek treatment by a therapist with experience in managing lymphedema. Massage and physical therapies may help to drain fluid away from the affected limb. Check with your provincial health insurance plan about coverage for some of these therapies.
Manual lymph drainage (MLD or MLT)
Manual lymph drainage is a special kind of light massage. It improves drainage from the limb by clearing out the main lymphatic pathways of the body, starting in the main part of the body and moving towards the affected limb.
Compression garments
Many treatment methods use compression garments to keep lymphedema under control. These elasticized garments put a graduated pressure on the limb and can help move lymph into the lymph vessels and prevent lymph fluid from collecting. They may need to be worn all day (during waking hours), when working, or with exercise.

Compression garments need to be fitted for each person and should only be worn on the recommendation of a doctor or physiotherapist. Specific directions will also be given on how and when to wear it.
Complex physical therapy (CPT)
This treatment routine involves a combination of manual lymph drainage, skin care, compression bandaging, exercises and use of compression garments. It is sometimes called complex decongestive therapy (CDP).
Sequential pneumatic compression pump
This device pumps air into a special pump sleeve, creating light pressure to help move lymph fluid into the lymph vessels and back into the bloodstream. These are only used if recommended by a doctor or physiotherapist. This device should not be used if there is active infection or problems with blood clots.
Lymphedema can cause pain and change sensations in the limb. In many cases, once the lymphedema is controlled, so is the pain. If the lymphedema treatment does not help, the doctor may change the treatment or order medication to relieve pain. Some people have numbness and tingling after surgery, which is not lymphedema.
Today's Quote:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Back to the Glebe Center Today

September 25, 2013
I hope that all the oldies are feeling better this week, a few had respiratory infections, so I couldn't do my usual tea and chat, so this week I am hoping we can get back to it. I have made some mini blueberry muffins in fall papers, I am sure they will get a kick out of them.
I felt a bit better at the gym today and was even able to pump out a few extra minutes and burned a few extra calories.  Now that my diet is back on track and I have a few more tips from Ken on protein snacks he says I can eat, I hope to see some weight coming off next weigh in.
Some of the protein snacks are.
  • 3 egg white omelet with fresh veggies in the afternoon
  • A couple of boiled eggs minus the yolks
  • Small tin of tuna
  • Protein Bites, 3 = 90 calories
  • 1/4 tin of salmon with veggies
  • gluten free protein bar in the purse for emergencies
  • Protein shake after weight day
If you can think of any great ideas for me, please post it here.
Today's Quote: “Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen.” - Unknown

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Love My Tuesday Art Class

September 24, 2013
I had a great work out at the gym this morning, did a little cardio and then moved on to the weights.
I finished with a little more cardio. I heard the fella's complaining that they didn't have big enough chests, they said they needed to lift more weights, I said come on guys, I have no chest and you don't see me complaining lol, I said I lift weights 2 xs a week and it makes no difference to my chest growing. They were quick to stop complaining.
We have a new teacher in our Art class and I hadn't seen her for over a year, she was very impressed to see that I had improved allot since she last taught. It always feels great to get some compliments.
Today's Quote:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Let Autumn Begin

September 23, 2013
I love this time of the year, it makes sleeping so much nicer, seems in the summer I can never get it cool enough even with the air-conditioning on. 
We went to look at a Park Model home this weekend, wow this camp ground should have been condemned, not just the out side washrooms. We took a walk through the place while waiting for the camp ground owner to show up. I have never seen a place in such disrepair, even the campers themselves don't take care of their Caravans, they were dirty and moss on the roof's, the one we looked at smelled musty, one owner told us that the couple paid 5000. and put a little into it, they were asking 14,500. The previous owner of this camp ground died in the spring she was 80, so her daughter has taken over and needs to decide if she fixes it up or sells the place, I would opt for selling if I were her. So way to much for what ya got, so that will end our looking for this year.
My plans to sleep in didn't happen, my husband's phone went off half the night, so it made for an unrest-full sleep.
It rained all day on Saturday but it was warm out still, we had to go to Ikea, so we did that on our way to my Daughter's for dinner, we had lovely Chinese food for dinner, it was great, but repeated on my husband most of the night, so that meant a second restless nights sleep.
I did go to the gym this morning for an hour and worked out on the elliptical machine, I feel refreshed and ready to charge through my day.

Today's Quote:

Friday, September 20, 2013


September 20, 2013
I am happy to see the end of this week, tomorrow we can sleep in, its been weeks it seems since we had the time for that, and its calling for rain. Ahhh no work to do outside either.
My weigh in with Ken went well, considering I missed a fair bit over the summer, I was down 1 lb and had actually gained some muscle, so that's pretty good, I am pleased with that and am back on the right track, 4 hours of cardio a week and 2 hours of weights, he said the weights are ok, but not to sacrifice form for extra weights. Good advice, he said the leg press I should be bring my knees to my boob's, I said yikes I don't have any, he said to put my fists where they should be and use that as my guide. lol
I didn't go in this morning, I woke with a terrible headache at 2:30 am, and finally took something for it at 4:30 am, I must keep track, my family Doctor didn't like the sounds of them so I will track it on my calendar.
I will go for a walk later this afternoon, I have to go to the city to have lunch with a friend.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Today's Quote:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

It's time to face the music

September 19, 2013
Today is the moment of truth, I have my weigh in and measure with Ken this morning at the gym. Just the wake up call I need. I won't beat myself up, I know I didn't gain any weight over the summer, and as far as I can tell I have lost 1 lb, it will be interesting to see how much muscle I have gained, since starting the weight routine. I still struggle to have protein snacks as I an lactose intolerant, so cottage cheese and greek yogurt are a no no for me. So I have been taking a look at a friends web site and gathering some recipes to make some high protein snacks. I will try to gather them up and add them to my blog, I have wanted to do this for a while now. So I must motivate myself. I also need a trip to Costco to get some supplies, I like to go there for their egg whites, I use a lot of these and my husband has started eating 1 egg and 1 egg white for breakfast. I think I will also try to do some research on protein bars and try to find one that is healthy, low carb so I have something easy to throw in my purse for when I am out and about.
If you have any ideas for low carb high protein snacks, please share them with me, you can easily leave a comment on my blog.
So the question of the day is, what is your go to protein snack?
Today's Quote:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Volunteer day

September 18, 2013
Today I was suppose to volunteer but they have a respiratory outbreak, so waiting to hear if they need me or not. My group is cancelled, but I may still be able to do some one on one visiting.
I went to the gym this morning and the young girl and her Dad actually beat me there. she said it wasn't as cold this morning lol, She isn't going to like January. lol
I did my hour of cardio, I found it very warm in there this morning, they must have turned on the heat. I feel much better being back on track, it takes a bit of getting use to again. My legs are screaming today, I guess they would have preferred staying in bed. I can hardly wait till the weekend, we can sleep in, it feels like it's been ages.
We have an appointment to go look at a Park Model Caravan Sunday afternoon, we are looking forward to that, this could be our home away from home. It is only a little more than an hour from Ottawa, so could be a place for us to live in during the summer.
Today's Quote:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

And they still don't think they need gun laws!!!!

Septemeber 17, 2013
More devastation in the US, when is congress going to wake up and stop being so worried about their jobs. How many more lives will be lost before they change the gun laws in the US.

At the gym this morning and did 30 minutes of cardio and then my weight routine. The young girl was back with her Dad, he used the treadmill in his bare feet, not sure what is up with that. She did a few cardio machines and then went on to weights, I told her to grab a magazine and cover up the display, she will go longer with out watching the time. She said she is afraid she will fall off, I told her she will get use to it, just give it a try, she seem to do 1 rep on the weight machines, so I mentioned to her to try to do 3 x 10 reps. She thought that was to much, and I also mentioned to her to take a minute or so break between reps.
On her way out she said have a nice day, see you tomorrow, I said you sure will. It feels good to give some encouragement to others, I hope she is successful.
I am going to my art class today, I enjoy that time, it's great to spend time with the ladies.

Today's Quote:


Monday, September 16, 2013

Feeling a bit tired today

September 16, 2013
The yard sale was ok, made about 190.00. Three of my neighbors brought things by as well, so there was 4 yard sales in one, everyone sold something, so we have decided to do it again in the spring, it's allot of preparation I had worked on it for a few days, my shoulder didn't like it much, going to make an appointment to see the Orthopedic Doctor today.
We had a nice visit yesterday with a fellow Aussie we met in Watkins Glen, he and his wife came out for tea and scones yesterday, they are very nice people and about our age, felt good to entertain them for the afternoon. we will drop out to their place some Sunday for a visit.
I was at the gym at 6am this morning and did my hour on the elliptical machine. I kept a food diary for a few days and noticed some things I need to change. I was eating potatoes each night, and they were big ones, they taste so good this time of year, so last night I cut it in half. I've cut out alcohol and pop as well. Summer's over so now its time to get back to reality, 
There was a young girl that came to the gym this morning with her Dad, she struggled on every machine she tried, so I stopped by and told her that when I started out I could only do 5 minutes, she said I just remarked to Dad that you don't stop, I said it takes time to work up to it, but you will get there, she thanked me and said she is going to try, I heard them say they will be back tomorrow.
I look forward to giving her encouragement as so many others have to me.
Today's Quote:

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th, yard sale tomorrow.

September 13, 2013
I made an appointment today to see Ken next week to get a better judge of where I am body wise. I feel great and have been working on tweaking my diet. I am finding it a bit tough to do the long elliptical work outs since summer, so I need to find a way to get back doing more cardio. I managed to get it in today by doing 2 x 20 minutes and then 10 minutes.
I am also going to keep a food diary for the next week and see where that leaves me.
I feel tired and tomorrow hasn't started yet, I guess its all the prep leading up to the yard sale tomorrow. My neighbor is going to add a few things as well, and my other neighbor that I walk her dog on Wednesday's is going to come and give me a hand.
My poor hubby is working all weekend so he will have his own fatigue. I'll let you know how the yard sale went, I am even putting a couple of paintings in it for sale.
Today's Quote:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fall is coming

September 12, 2013
I was back at the gym again today, 3 days in a row, I did my weight routine today along with some cardio, yesterday was just a cardio day. My weight seems to be staying the same. I think I will look at my meals and see if I can tweak things just a little bit.
I came across this article on a friends website, she is a Nutritionist in Australia. Its about increasing protein during weight loss.
Consuming twice the recommended daily allowance of protein while adhering to a diet and exercise plan prevents the loss of muscle loss and promotes fat loss, scientists from the US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine have found.
However, the research, which was published in the September 2013 issue of The FASEB Journal, showed that tripling the recommended daily intake of protein failed to provide additional benefits.
Study method
Researchers assigned 39 young men and women controlled diets for 31 days. The diets provided protein at three different levels: the US RDA, twice the US RDA and three times the US RDA.
Participants were given adequate total calories to maintain constant body weight for the first 10 days to allow their metabolism to adapt to the dietary protein level, and then for the following three weeks, weight loss was induced by restricting the total calories and increasing daily exercise sufficiently to elicit an average two-pound weight loss per week. Body composition and measurements of muscle protein metabolism were performed at the end of both the stable weight maintenance and weight loss phases of the study.
The study participants lost body weight during the weight loss phase of the research, regardless of their protein intake. Researchers found the proportion of weight loss due to restriction in fat-free mass was lower and the loss of fat mass was higher in those receiving twice the RDA and three times the RDA compared with those who were eating the RDA.
The anabolic muscle response to a protein-rich meal during the weight loss phase was not different from the stable weight phase for both participants eating twice the protein RDA and three times the RDA. Participants eating the protein RDA, however, exhibited muscle loss during the weight loss phase. The researchers said these results, in which there were no difference between muscle loss for those eating twice and three times the RDA, showed that there were limits to the protective effect of extra protein.
“This study essentially confirms what body builders have shown us for a long time – a high protein diet helps prevent muscle loss when trying to lose fat,” said Gerald Weissmann, MD, Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. “Although eating a well balanced diet is still necessary for health and weight maintenance, upping one’s protein intake when dieting might be a useful tool in the short term,” he said.
Researchers said they hoped the findings would be part of any discussion by the Institute of Medicine for the updated Dietary Reference Intakes on protein.
“We believe that the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein should be based on a level to optimise health, as well as prevent deficiencies, and our data demonstrate a potential inadequacy in the current RDA for sparing muscle mass during weight loss, which may affect a significant portion of the population,” said Stefan M. Pasiakos, Ph. D, a researcher involved in the work from the Military Nutrition Division at the US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine.
Today's Quote: 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering the many lives lost on 11/9/2001

September 11, 2013
As I sit here today thinking back to where I was that morning. I remember my now husband calling me from Australia and asking me how close we were to the twin towers. I had just heard about it on the radio as I left my class at college. I remarked to him 8 hour drive, he was relieved. We had no idea the devastation and fight for freedom that would ensue for the next 12 years, the many young lives lost or maimed to fight for their countries. The young men that saw more than they should ever in a lifetime and will always have the terrible night mares we now know as PTSD. 
Give them the strength to carry on and give them help to do so, let them talk about their battles not cover them up with pills. I was drawn to tears while watching the amazing race this week, when a soldier told his story to raise money as a busker. These are the people we should all be looking up to. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Art Class Starts Today

September 10, 2013
I have to give a shout out to my brother's, the had their annual Robert O'Neil Memorial Golf Tournament and raised over 2000 dollars for Breast Cancer Action Kingston. Each year since our younger brother died from a brain aneurism and they have always raised the funds for the Heart & Stroke fund, this year it was in my honor, I felt very blessed to be apart of the day.
So I was very tired yesterday and took the morning off of the gym. I was back at it today and did my half hour of cardio and then did weights for the next hour.
I have been trying to work on our retirement plan and it looks like it may happen next year, yippee, we have our eye on a nice park model home for living in here for 5 months of the year. The market is rebounding in Australia so we are thinking it may soon be time to sell there as well.
On another great note I am down a pound, yippeeeee. The weight training is paying off.
I am looking forward to learing some new skills during Art this season, I am trying out water colors.
Today's Quote: 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

WOW its chilly today

September 5, 2013
I can't believe how chilly it is out, brrrr I just helped my neighbor cut up some Masonite for me to paint on, my art classes begin next Tuesday so I thought it would be good to find something cheaper to paint on, it worked out to 71 cents a piece, and you can easily cut it to regular frame sizes, but my hands are so cold, I am fighting putting on long pants and socks.
I went to the gym this morning and did 30 minutes of cardio and then did my weight routine. So far it is going well, no problems with my shoulder, hoping it stays well.
I have been thinking about food diary's and when I was taking my course on Weight Loss and Nutrition we did a big section on it, so I thought I would share a bit of info for everyone.

Benefits of a Food Diary
Keeping a food diary can benefit you in many ways because tracking what you eat and drink can keep you focused on your diet, provide motivation, increase your efficacy, and help you attain and maintain your goals. To successfully utilize a food journal, write down the food items you eat for every meal and snack, the portion sizes of all the food items, ingredients you used, and the beverages you drank. Also, include columns for where you purchased or prepared the food, what you were doing while you ate the food and how you felt after you consumed the food. For example, name the specific restaurant or note if the meal was made at home. Also, note if you were standing, watching TV, or sitting at a table and note how you felt after eating.


Recording everything you eat provides regulation and accountability for what you put in your mouth and it helps your nutritionist, dietitian or physician have an idea of what you eat, when you eat, and where you eat. If you are deterred by the inconvenience of writing down everything you eat, there are technological advances, such as cell phone apps, that allow you to take pictures before and after your meals and snack. This will make keeping a journal faster and easier. 

Eating Balanced Meals

Journaling will point out if you need more variety. For example, you may need to eat more vegetables or more meat and less processed food. Beyond monitoring how many calories you are consuming, keeping a food journal helps you compose a meal that is balanced with healthy proportions of carbohydrates, protein and fat. You can then easily make changes to your meal composition for increased energy and balance.

Success Attaining Goals

Recording what you eat can also make you reconsider what you put in your body. This can lead to decreased caloric intake and weight loss. It also reveals if you eat larger portions than you need. If you continue to journal for an extended period of time, you will notice the changes in your food intake and you will be able to monitor the progress you made towards reaching your health goals.

Connect Food to Feelings

Make a column in your food diary that notes how the foods you eat affect you. You will find connections between certain food items you eat and how you feel afterward. For example, if you feel bloated, have constipation or excess gas after eating a meal with wheat products, like pasta or bread, you may have an intolerance to wheat or gluten, which is a protein in wheat. Also, certain foods can increase your anxiety levels while other foods may have a centering and calming effect.
Today's Quote:


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Volunteer Wednesday

Sept 04, 2013
Today is volunteer day for me at the Glebe, I will be a little late so I thought maybe I would have a little art showing, I figured that would be easier than having a rushed Tea Party. Looking forward to sharing my hard work.
I slept a bit better last night, 2 NyQuil helped, I need to try to come up with some help for my sleep I will try to do some research this afternoon.
I went to the gym today, I felt a bit sluggish, and managed 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. I need to take a few minutes and talk to Ken and see if I need to be doing anything different.
I found a great article, I thought I would share today from Shape magazine. 
It's called 8 reasons why you should lift heavier weights.
Today's Quote:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summer's Over

September 03, 2013
Well it was back to the gym for me today, I did 30 minutes of cardio and then tackled the weights.
I had my cortisone shots last Thursday in my shoulder, and oh what a relief it is, I feel 80% better, the best 330 bucks I have spent in a long time. I am to give it 3 weeks and see how it is doing, if I need to go back just call. The weights felt pretty good this morning, I didn't over do it, I was actually lifting a bit lower weights than where I was a month ago, I'll pick it up a bit on Friday when I do them again. I have managed to complete alot of paintings this summer. See my new one below. 
We will be all wanting one of these in a few months. lol 
Today's Quote: