Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Where does the time go?

January 27, 2016
It has been far to long since I updated here. We have been back in Australia since November 22, 2015 and it has been busy. I had an oncology apt in December 2015. he is pleased with what I am doing even though we both know I still have some issues from Chemotherapy 7 years ago, my memory is still not the best and I have troubles with words and tend to have to describe it to get people to guess it, this can be very frustrating and at times brings me to tears. I still struggle with having a good nights sleep, I often wake in a very hot and sweaty state and it often takes me an hour or so to get over it, we have our air conditioning set for 23c and the fan on high. So I function on 3-4 hours sleep a day and have found myself napping some days, which is very unlike me. Professor Beale (oncologist) wanted me to try and new drug this year called Gabapentin, its for shingles and seizures, but I decided not to go on it as I have an allergy to cornstarch and refuse to take any more, its already in 4 of my meds now, I will talk to my family Doctor about something to help me sleep periodically.
My lovely daughter and her family decided to help me out with a membership to Curves this year and I am doing pretty well with it, I try to go early in the morning (6am) 5 days a week, and then try to walk extra during the day, this is easy since we live on the beach. I have also started golfing on Monday's with a ladies league, learning the rules of play and seeing all the wildlife on the courses is fun. I had to wait for 4 roos to cross the other day before I could hit the ball.
My darling son and family gave us Brian Adams tickets for a concert in Sydney Australia in March, we can't wait to go to that.
Hubby is still getting over his ordeal from last years bowel cancer surgery. he should be trying to get more exercise but doesn't and his diet could be cleaner, all his issue not mine. He will have a one year colonoscopy in the next few weeks and here is hoping all is well.
I have been feeling a bit home sick lately, my Mom lost her best friend of 60 years, they use to call each other 4xs a day and went to breakfast every sunday.
I miss my friends and family there, I am hoping to be able to spend more time with everyone this year when we are back.
I have begun painting again for the first time in almost a year. I have missed it and plan to do more.
I have to go in hospital tomorrow for a D & C as my Gynecologist is checking the lining of the Uterus again to be sure there are no cancer cells as I have been on Tamoxifen now for 7 years and it can be a side effect of the drug. Praying that all is well.
We are having a 60th birthday for my Husband in Sydney Australia next month followed by a trip to Tasmania, we are both looking forward to this.
Then to Scotland in June and Norfolk Island in October, its looking like a busy year ahead.
Today's Quote: