Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Getting on with life

May 27, 2014
Well we are gearing up tp take over our summer place this friday, it has been a very busy time and more to come, we will start moving our things in each weekend until we have movers come on the 13th of June.
I have the girls at the end of June so I would like to be settled in by then.
Ordered Hubby his Kayak and paddle, he is looking forward to kayaking each day. He didn't sleep well last night as he is talking to his boss today about his retirement date, hoping to be done by July 11.
I to am looking forward to his retirement, no more 5 am alarms, we can get up when we want to and go to bed when we want to.
I am looking forward to the long walks and summer swims in the lake, I am planning on still exercising even though I won't have access to a gym, we will manage with the great out doors..
I did manage to finish a painting on the weekend, it makes me think of things to come.
Today's Quote:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's all happening

May 21, 2014
Wow I can't believe how fast things are going, we did a yard sale on Saturday to sell off some of our extra items that we don't need to keep as we are moving into a summer home with little storage, so its a great time to purge all the things we hang on to forever. The sentimental things will stay as I always find it hard to get rid of the things that bring tears to my eyes to read, or reminisce about times gone by. I am how ever excited to go forward and be able to spend more time with Hubby and friends. I think we all need to stop abd look around us and see what is really important.
My health for me has to be a priority and since I have had the flu twice in a month I feel that just sending the things we have here back to Australia is the best thing for us, its way to much work trying to sell things for practically nothing when I know the item has another 10 years left in it. So after the large items are gone I will work towards our pack up in July. Our yard sale last weekend was a great success, over 600.00 and more to come in, so that will go towards getting hubby a Kayak, he was been wanting one for a while now, and its cheaper than a boat for this year lol ;). We hope to do some golfing with friends and we have already booked a few over niters for the grand daughters, I think they are going to love our summer home.
As for the gym, it has served me well over the last year and I am much stronger for going and lighter, I just find that right now I haven't got the energy to keep it up right now, I continue to get out for walks and lift weights at home, for now that will have to do. I'll miss getting up and going in at 6 am, not really, right now I need all the rest I can get. I believe going to the gym for the last year has been so beneficial for me as I can tell how much stronger I have become. I will certainly join a gyn once we are back in Australia and set up.
Today's Quote:

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Flu Rages On

May 13, 2014
I have been down with the flu since 1 am Sunday, needless to say I didn't enjoy much of Mother's Day, I spent it in bed freezing to death and in severe joint pain on top of getting sick to my stomach, here it is Tuesday and I am glad my Art class was cancelled today, there is no way I could go.
I am also feeling a bit overwhelmed these days, we did find a place to live and now its time for the purging of all things we won't be needing, wow how hard is that to do, it takes so much energy. I am not so sure I am up for this but it has to be done, so the first yard sale is Saturday, hoping for good weather.
I haven't been able to get to the gym as I have been to unwell. hoping to be feeling better next week. Getting tired of jello and ginger ale.
A few pics of our new place.

Today's Quote:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Feeling knocked about this week

May 8, 2014
I have felt really tired and rough this week, had another NAET treatment today and it has made me so tired, I was advised by the Dr not to go to the gym today so I took a nice walk instead, I think a snail would have walked faster than I. All this is to rid my body of the effects of Docetaxel a very strong chemotherapy drug that didn't agree with me 5 years ago and nearly killed me, the side effects are certainly long lasting and I am hoping that some of them may subside after the NAET treatments are done.
I am feeling a bit over whelmed right now with trying to find a place to live and decide what to do with our stuff, ship it, sell it or move some of it. Hard choices until we know where we are going to live. Either way it is out of my hands and should put worrying about it away until I know what is going on. Easier said than done.
Today's Quote:

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Feeling more energised today

May 6, 2014
Well I had my first NAET treatment in a month yesterday and it was for one of the chemo drugs I had taken during my cancer journey. Wow did it knock the heck out of me. I was teary emotional tired and just felt like crap, hope that takes care of it and now I should feel a lot better.
I am having a lot to deal with right now, trying to sell a few things and get ready for our move back to Australia, find a place here to live in 4 months a year. yesterday it just all seemed so over whelming, today looks a bit brighter. I even sold my car for July, so I have wheels till then.
I made it to the gym yesterday after dealing with the tax man, we only owe him about 1700. better than I expected. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical machine.
Today I was there and did 45 minutes on the elliptical machine and then I did some weights at home after.
Today's Quote:

Friday, May 2, 2014

Working on our new adventure

May 2, 2014
Well here we are into May already, we have sold our home and are looking for a park model home to live in during the Canadian summers, we are planning on doing similar in Australia later this year. So I need to get busy preparing things to be sold and some stuff sent back to Australia. The next few months are going to be very busy for us and I want to make the most of the time I have left at the gym as my membership will be ending in a few weeks, so it was off to the gym this morning and I did cardio as well as weights, I didn't get there yesterday as I was very sore and frozen from dental work that lasted most of the day. It seem to knock me about a bit and I think I am still a bit jet lagged after the week to San Francisco.
Hubby and I Under the bridge
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