Saturday, February 28, 2015

Surgery Outcome

March 1, 2015
Surgery went as well as could be expected, a little longer than predicted, they had problems with his blood pressure going up during the op. Doctor feels he got it all, will wait for the biopsy this week.
Here is what went on yesterday.
Chuck had a rough day yesterday, they had trouble keeping his bp up and stable, normal for him is 100/60, his dropped to 80/50 so they pushed some extra fluids and it came back up, he sat up twice for a half hour each time. The oncologist will decide if he has to have treatment, hoping not. I called the gynecologist my Dr recommended and he said august for an apt. So I called another one and she said the same, but she asked why I needed to see one, so I explained about tamoxifen, she said you can not wait 6 months and told me she would call me back, she rang around and got the name of one starting business in march, got me her number and I called, she rang me back and I have an apt on march 6, so will go in for a DNC asap and go from there, they will test the lining and see if it shows anything, then we will go from there. So hoping for Scotland, it may have to be in sept, we may have to delay coming back, depends on how chuck heals. He still has morphine and panodol drips and injections of anesthesia in his wound site and only receiving if fluids. The morning nurse yesterday got up on the wrong side of the bed and told his he was the first patient to have this operation, he was asking her to many questions and she didn't like that, she brought his panadol tablets, he asked what it was for and the side effects, she said can cause vomiting on an empty stomach, he said I haven't eaten since Wednesday, then she offered him a stool softener, lol he said again I haven't eaten since Wednesday and I had 2 enemas before surgery, what is if going to soften. Lol she through them in the garbage lol, I guess she was glad to be off shift at 3, last nights nurse never stopped talking to her patients and telling them what she was doing, I complimented her on her approach and how nice it was to see a nurse who was doing it because she loved her job not just the pay check she thanked me. Will keep you posted, they will get him walking today. 
I have chosen to write in dark blue today to bring awareness to bowel cancer. 
Today's Quote:
 Don't get hung up on the hard times, the challenges. Tell your story by highlighting the victories. Because it's your victories that will inspire, motivate, encourage other people to live their stories in grander ways.
~Iyanla Vanzant

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Time Is Near

February 26, 2015
Well the time is drawing nearer, ever so slowly it seems, my Husbands surgery will be tomorrow. He has continued to juice with his Nutribullet up until yesterday, he is now on clear fluids till his operation tomorrow.
He actually slept better last night and is trying to keep busy so as not to sit and worry to much, its up to the Doctor's now and he is in God's hands, he has resided himself to what ever will be will be, we can push through it and we have so much to look forward to this year, so I think that is helping his mind set. I know that so many people have been praying for us, I can only hope that theirs and our prayers have been answered, the old saying is that God won't give us more than we can handle, I believe this, as I have gone down this path myself, sitting on the brink of near death and being able to fight on and come back, here I am living proof 6 years on, feeling much more stronger and well than I have in the past.

I have been very sick the last week with a cold and flu, thank goodness hubby didn't get it, I am feeling much better today and actually got to the gym 2xs this week after missing a whole week. I have gotten back on the elliptical machine today and did 25 minutes, that's my best since October, I grabbed a magazine to read and cover the screen and put on some music, as I leafed threw it the minutes ticked away, so proud of myself, I just need to keep it up.

I bought a Withings tracker and am loving it, I have always known that I am not a good sleeper and now I have proof, it keeps track for me, usually I get 4 - 5 hours and up about 3 - 4 times. I am hoping that I can improve this. I have also been documenting my steps taken and yesterday I got to 8500, my goal is 10,000, so not bad, I will keep working on it. I have a meeting with Sheldon Reed my trainer on Saturday, so hopefully I will be feeling up for it.
I will try to do lots of juicing over the next week, it will make it easier while at hospital to take my own food.
Today's Quote:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Still Juicing

February 19, 2015
Well my husbands surgery is a week away on the 27th. Since he was to see his surgeon he has take on juicing, I bought his a NutriBullit 900 and he has run with it, now this is a man that eats very little vegetables.
I noticed on his report that it showed that he has diverticulitis as well, he asked whats that I said google it, I have found that it is better for him to look this stuff up as it seems to have a better impact that me saying anything.
I am still enjoying juicing and find it very fulfilling, I do it 2xs a day, but add a lot more variety than hubby does, I try to use less fruit than he does and more vegetables. My weight is dropping. I am working with the personal trainer to get a routine that will work for me. Lots of stretching, who knew I was so tight in spots.
I had to cancel Tuesday with him as I have a terrible cold, who gets a cold in Australia in summer??? 
It has really knocked me about a bit, feeling very weak and fatigued. I'll try to get to the gym tomorrow if I am up to it.
I have also been making some home made granola bars for hubby,as part of his new diet, he is trying to cut out sugar in his diet, along with these I have made him some nice gluten free, sugar free muffins, to eat in place of cookies. The granola has oats, prunes, and nuts in it, great snack for when he is looking for those sugary snacks he use to eat.
We have one more week to get through before surgery, so looking forward to it being over and getting the results back, should only take 5 days.
Today's Quote:

Monday, February 9, 2015


February 10, 2015

Well last Wednesday my husband had a colonoscopy, we heard the dreaded words you have bowel cancer. He was sent immediately for a CAT scan and the Doctor did a biopsy during the colonoscopy, so today we get all those results and will find out his surgery date. This is a man that has never taken a pill in his life. It has hit him hard and since I have been through the cancer journey I would not wish it on anyone. It's not easy.
It seems the last week has been full of bad news, my Uncle passed away, a Great Nephew was killed in a road accident, my sister fell and broke her arm, now this.
I know they say God won't give us more than we can handle, but today is going to be a hard one for both of us.
I was very happy that his brother came down for a visit and his son came up, his daughter can't seem to get her crap together to come and see him and frankly I am washing my hands of it, I offered to pay her train ride up, but she had an excuse, no spending money till she gets her dole check. Crazy, I bet we won't hear from her after Wednesday this week when she gets her beloved money. Our friends are rallying around him and at the end of the day that's what important. Lots of love, prayers and positive thinking.
Today's Quote: Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill
 Never, never, never give up. ~Winston Churchill
 If you’re going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill

Monday, February 2, 2015

Stretch, Stretch, Stretch

February 3, 2015
Well I met with the trainer yesterday and he did allot of testing to see if my muscles were stiff or bouncy, happy to report that on my right side I am bouncy, not so on the left, it needs allot of work, goes back to an injury in 1999.
I am hope full that this may help with some of my pain issues, since I have been in so much pain alot of my muscles have tensed and become short and stiff.
He gave me some stretching exercises to start with, my diet is very good, so not much work to do there, just keep juicing, along with a little meat.

So this is what I will be doing from now on, along with some yoga, hoping for much improvement.
Today's Quote: