Friday, January 10, 2020

Dating at 60

January 10, 2020

Well how do I approach this. Maybe others feel my pain. How do you begin dating at 60?
I have met my fair share of idiots, only after one thing. That's not for me, I want a real relationship. Not a 15 minute booty call, or a FWB, yes that friends with benefits, cause their current GF doesn't like sex. Geee why didn't I think of that after 15 years in a sex less marriage. Because I have morals, that's why, but today's men do not. I actually get calls on the phone from men that just want to talk dirty so they can have a wank, wtf is with that and they feel the relationship they are in is gonna last forever. Well guess what I lived that life with a man who refused to make love to me because I told him I needed and wanted foreplay, he took it as demeaning to his f^%$ing manhood. I stayed 14 years to long, faithful I might add.
So how do you meet a man, it's not like I can go and stand in the frozen food section and wait for one to walk down the isle. They have gotten smarter and now seem to frequent the fruits and vegetables isle.
I've tried the dating sites, 1 guy seems to want a real date, but also seems to get sick when it gets close to meeting. Hello I'm not getting any younger here and I can't wait for your supposed immune system to get its act together.
One other fella I helped through a difficult time, to only be released and 4 days later he was in a relationship with his neighbor. LOL The no sex with GF guy, I will just call you FWB. Sorry not gonna be that girl, not today or ever, I have to wonder where she was when I was picking up the shattered pieces of his life. His son was nice and thanked me.
I've had a few scammers to, the ones that 2 weeks into chatting ask for itunes cards or actual cash in the form of a money transfer, hello I was born in the dark but it wasn't last night.
So HELP me, where do I find a nice guy who wants to actually take me out for dinner and a movie before he takes me to bed.